It was generally a typical Christmas at our home with the usual fun, presents, food, spirit of thanksgiving and sharing, amongst family members and others. The difference during this year’s Christmas however was in missing our two babies (the youngest ones) who are serving missions. But that difference, in turn, created a much bigger difference that made it special for this year’s Christmas for our family because we "saw" them for the first time in months - one of them in a year. Thanks to modern technology (Skype) that we were able to "see", talk and chat with them in a three-way (group) setup. All parties were excited to hold the visual real time conversation. The Elder, at the close of the "call", invited everyone to join him as he - through prayer - invoked the blessings and benevolence of Heavenly Father and expressed thanksgiving on our family’s behalf. They were precious moments to be cherished and remembered always.
The Hype ...
... and The Skype
some exciting moments ... |
future missionaries - and lots of them - excited to see their forerunners |
...and some teary moments |