
Voters' Remorse?

...this I couldn't resist .....
News headline #1:
More Americans say Obama can't manage government.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A growing number of Americans doubt President Barack Obama's ability to manage the nation, according to a CNN/ORC poll released on Monday that reflects the possible larger impact of his administration's fumbled rollout of its healthcare law.
The poll also found that 53 percent of those polled said Obama is not honest or trustworthy, (really?) marking the first time that the CNN/ORC polling found a clear majority questioning the president's integrity, CNN said.
News headline #2
ABC Poll: Voters Choose Romney Over Obama if They Had a Mulligan

"An ABC News / Washington Post poll shows voters would choose Republican candidate Mitt Romney over President Obama ...."
....shall we now say, DUH?
Oh, just curious, is America exposing another flaw in Democracy? .. this time, it’s not necessarily the tyranny of the majority but the fallibility - and dare I say, in some circles, the stupidity - of the majority???
...gotta revisit Plato, Aristotle, Cleisthenes and others for some insights!


"Aso Fiafia" 2013 version ...

As mentioned in some previous posts, the so-called “aso fiafia”  (happy/festive days)  in Samoa start in early December building up to Christmas and then New Year’s when there’s oodles of fun, celebration and revelry. In America “aso fiafia” I think start much sooner in October with Halloween, Thanksgiving in November, Christmas in December and New Year’s in January - yes, that whole celebratory progression. Need proof? Well if Christmas is the climax and main draw of the fiafia season, the whole rising action now starts in November (but as early as October) when Christmas music starts to “fill the air”. Christmas bright lights also start going up right after Halloween spooky lights come down.

Interestingly, Samoa is starting to catch on to the Halloween craze and so in the foreseeable future Samoa’s “aso fiafia”, too, may start in October. Thanksgiving may also become a Samoan holiday (Samoans are obsessive when it comes to creating, adopting and celebrating holidays); after all Christmas and New Year’s are imported as well.

Our family did have our Annual Halloween party.  But Dearie and I had an early social function to attend that evening, and so our children made sure that “the show must go on”. We joined them afterwards. Part of their preparations included a rustic set - complete with halogen lights - in our front yard and used as a photo booth/background. I did not have an official bonafide costume and so I had to borrow one from one of our grandsons, at least for this picture:

the rustic "hee-haw" set ..lol
It’s Steve Urkel (Jonah) of “Family Matters” meeting Si[las] Robertson (me) of “Duck Dynasty” ... (insets: the real characters) LOL!  
But the winners were .... [drum roll] .....theeeee Minions! LOL!
Minions in our home ....
One of our daughters, her husband and kids stole the show that night and even in the neighborhood when they went trick-or-treating with these creative costumes that they made themselves. Enthusiasm and hard work always reap success.  Kudos!

October also signals the end of the regular football season for some of the grandsons.
l-r: Tahi, Taezen, Devon and Taleni
This year Tahi’s (one of the “minions” lol!) team won the championship for their division.  So it was a "aso fiafia" ..:)  Congratz  #77!

...post game pic