Some pictures from our recent trip to dearest Samoa Feb-March 2020 ... "E le galo mai Samoa, si o ta 'Ele'ele ...." (We shall never forget Samoa, our beloved homeland). It was like yesterday when we were there for the reunion last year and loved it so much that we had to go back...and still loved it.💓💓😎😂😂😮🌴🌴🏝🏝🌺🌺🌺
🌺Vini and Nuutele islands - Aleipata, Upolu🌺 |
🌺Location! Location! Location! A beachfront home in Lalomanu🌺 |
🌺Lalomanu sunrise and the now-iconic Vini island🌺 |
🌺Breakfast in Lalomanu with daughter🌺 |
🌺Scrumptious Faausi🌺 |
🌺In hot Samoa you always need a cold drink🌺
🌺Take your pick🌺 |
🌺Eden kayaking in Lalomanu🌺 |
🌺Lalomanu sunrise🌺 |
🌺Eden & her Mom arriving at Faleolo Airport🌺 |
🌺Dinner at Taufua's in Lalomanu🌺 |
🌺After church in Ti'avea with daughters and granddaughter🌺 |
🌺My old stomping grounds🌺 |
🌺Early morning swim🌺 |
🌺One of my favorite times - Sunday after church.🌺
🌺Relaxing before the to'ana'i🌺 |
🌺Just a few of the foods for our to'ana'i🌺
🌺Taro, palusami, salted beef, fried fish ,,,🌺 |
🌺Shopping with Eden at Tanoa🌺 |
🌺What Fiji water??🌺 |
🌺"The old man and the sea"😛🌺 |
🌺View of Vini and Nuutele from A'ufaga🌺 |
🌺All time favorite -
'ulu tunu (roasted breadfruit) and pe'epe'e (pure coconut milk)🌺 |
🌺Ti'avea Airport - Under construction🌺 |
🌺M&M's - McDonald's & Missionaries🌺 |
🌺Teaching Eden how to make a ma'ilo (food plate/bowl)🌺 |
🌺Yaaaayyy!!!🌺 |
🌺Daughter weaving a basket 🌺 |
🌺Yaaayyy!!🌺 |
🌺I still got it ...🌺 |
🌺Yaaayyy!!🌺 |
🌺Our favorites - The organic stuff.🌺 |
🌺Eden on Namu'a island🌺 |
🌺Atule (mackerel) fishing🌺 |
🌺Eden in Lalomanu🌺 |
🌺Hotel lobby🌺 |
🌺Inside a faleo'o🌺 |
🌺Lalomanu sunset🌺 |
🌺View of Namu'a from Satitoa🌺 |