
My new thinking and writing - and stop teasing - hat

I have to move my computer and, therefore, my cheese.

In the past few months I have been using my daughter’s room for blogging and for some serious writing (blogging is not serious writing?). Now she’s back from AZ and that means I have to move my computer ...and my cheese (writing).

The sign “Writing in Progress” - which has stayed up on the door even at times when I wasn’t writing - needs to be moved too. And my writing hat will change as well. My mentors recommended that I have a “writing hat” to let others know when not to bother me - in other words, something along the lines of the Carl’s Jr. commercial slogan “Don’t bother me, I’m eating.” So when I was looking for a “don’t bother me” hat, I just settled for my daughter’s that was on her dresser. It’s a girly hat and it looks farcical and boorish on me. Just give me some dorky glasses to go with the hat, and I’ll be on a Spike Lee look-a-like lineup - alliteratively speaking, at least.

On a recent Saturday morning, I was up early, writing. When it was time for our family to leave on our weekly ritual and pilgrimage to several little league football fields to watch the grandsons let off some steam, I still had the hat on and even throughout the games, so our children were teasing and making fun of my girly hat. Now I think I’m going to switch to my BYU (True Blue) hat. Yes, I said “I think”....since some in my family are ironclad fans and afficionados of the Utah (University) Utes - BYU’s perhaps fiercest rival - who may continue teasing the hat at my team’s expense.

I have a solution though. I’m going to remind them that it’s my new “don’t you dare bother me” hat; therefore, any teasing and taunting shall and will stop. Anyhow, it’s a rebuilding year for my Cougars. Oh, but wait ... Jake Heaps is starting at quarterback this Saturday, so I bet you that things will start turning around. Just you wait and watch! ...my Cougars are going to have heaps (punning of course) of wins ... Go Cougs!

From the cheesy to some real cheese, if you haven’t read “Who Moved My Cheese" I'd suggest you do; I read it several years ago. It’s an excellent inspirational and motivational book. It’s an easy read, yet effective in its message.

Speaking of inspirational messages, here’s one of several from the book:

“If you don’t change, you can become extinct.”

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