
Read and Watch This ...

So I was watching president Trump's State of the Union (SOTU) speech last night (Feb 5th).  Hmmm... I wasn't all that impressed, as I wasn't in all other SOTU's that I can remember by other past presidents.  Trump's usual hyperbolizing and overstating of his "successes" became boring at best and boastful and braggy at worst (pardon the alliteration 🤣).  It was quite similar to most other speeches of the past by Obama, Bush and others.  Again, the SOTU's are often dull and platitudinal.  I also dislike the sporadic applauses which are mostly partisan and can be really annoying at times.

Now you will believe how bored I was when I say that I was trying to find something, I mean anything that stimulates my curiosity and meticulous, analytical appetite during the speech.  But I found it! Serendipitously. Not in the speech though, but something I saw within the audience that was quite ironic, and offensive I think.

During the speech, Trump acknowledged two survivors of the Holocaust in the audience. The same two men were also survivors of the mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue last year. They were sitting next to each other.  And so during the tribute, when the cameras - as expected - kept zooming in on the two elderly gentlemen, I saw something that was offensively ironic.  I don't think the media, TV or otherwise, or anyone was able to pick it up or it would have been all over the Internet, social media and cyberspace.  Therefore, so far, this seems an original observation on my part.  Call me eagle-eyed ..🦅 😳  I'll let you figure it out, especially from the first picture ............. Got it?

Ok, if you can't see it then you need to see visit an optometrist 🤣 or you need a crash course in world history 😏.  As I was watching, I noticed that the back of the seats in the same section all had the same design.  They also seemed like seat covers but I wasn't quite sure.  Anyhow, I know it's just an unfortunate coincidence, but STILL, I'll be surprised how anyone responsible for the SOTU logistics could have missed it.  If they were seat covers, they should have been removed beforehand.  If it's a design on the actual seat, arrangements could have been made for the gentlemen to sit elsewhere, because there were seats that were different in other sections based on my subsequent and much keener observation during the rest of the speech.  Anyway, what do you think?  Or am I overstating it --- like Trump? 🤣  ... and so as Trump would always say in his tweets, SAD!  Moreover, considering Trump's controversial and seeming favoritism toward the so-called alt-right, this can be ironic on so many levels.


  1. oh dear! wats dat stika? ou ke ofo!

  2. It's apparently an innocent and innocuous design but when scrutinized and deconstructed, the "stika" becomes obvious and discernible
