
To Kalobe*

You play the game that you always love
With donned helmet, cleats, gear and glove
And with energy, stamina and determined will
You hone and fancy the skills that thrill 

It seems as if it was just only yesterday
That you first set foot on the football field
And ofttimes you ran and powered your way
To the end zone with finesse - refusing to yield 

But the end zone is only a zone not an end
Where new hopes and pursuits will slowly start 
It’s also where you learn to valiantly defend
Your dreams and goals - "what e’er thou art"

Now go forth young man and pursue your quest
Always remember that any test requires your best
With persistence, dignity, diligence, courage and class
Any noble desire and worthy ambition will come to pass

*oldest grandson/child

Congratulations! Wishing you the best!
Mama and Papa

...right after his last game as a high school senior

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