
Happy Manuween

Halloween was Monday. We planned our annual family Halloween party on Saturday (2 days prior) but our ward (auloku) had its Halloween dance that same night so we yielded to the church party/dance. I was the DJ so all the more reason to postpone the family party to Monday.

Monday came and as usual, I still hadn’t decided on a costume and so I had to be creative - yeah riiiigghht. Actually, the right brain did not do much strenuous creative finking, cause it just happened that my Manu Samoa jersey -- compliments of The Coach... yes the Real coach - arrived on time for Halloween. (Thanks Coach! ... and the very generous hosts!)  And so to honor and pay tribute to the Manu Samoa's 2011 World Cup campaign, I decided to be a Manu Playa ... or something like that ...for Halloween. And boy was I overcome by all the rugby nostalgia that it was close to being a scary experience....hahaaa! especially when I started thinking haunted thoughts of the present SRU (aka Schuster Rugby Union) and all the ‘ova a Mary pei a la ua maua ... Well, Happy Manuween!


  1. dont know much about rugby, but i like the choice (costume)... very creative.

  2. played lotsa rugby in samoa - both a fun and brutal game! ...thanks!
